From The Race Secretary

Fellow Go Karters, On behalf of President Adam Bourke and the committee of the Oakleigh Go Kart Racing Club, I would like to thank everyone for the positive response we received when we had to make the difficult call of postponing Top Guns for this Friday night, 14th January 2011.

Even though the sun is now shining, we did have some major flooding along the back straight and canteen corner.

This flooding is the result of levy banks breaking in one of the neighbouring properties, releasing a deluge of water onto the track.

Due to this excess water, we have postponed the meeting to Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd January, following the same timetable schedule.

Adam and I would like to thank the committee members that spent the day at the track pumping thousands of litres of water off the track.

If you have any queries or are unable to attend round 1 or round 2 of Top Guns then please email

If you have not entered either dates and would like to enter, we will be taking entries up until Thursday 20th January.

Thanks once again.

Michelle Carless – Race Secretary