For any licence or membership enquiries, please contact the Licence & Membership Secretary

Please note that most of the committee also work full time so please send an email or call after hours.

Sharron Cutting

Ph: 0409 211 026 (After Hours Please)

Emma Cutting
Licence Secretary

Ph: 0434 620 321

Paul Gibson

Ph: 0477 568 890 (After Hours Please) 

Stuart Hall
Vice President

Ph: 0418 350 893 (After Hours Please) 

David Chudasko

Ph: 0414 274 310 (After Hours Please)

Sharron Cutting
Race Secretary

Ph: 0409 211 026 (After Hours Please)

Rafe Todd
General Commitee
Nick Flodstrom
General Commitee
Stephen Gough
General Commitee
Thomas French
General Commitee
Peter Phillips
General Committee
Kristian Ristell
General Committee