Mr Naismith Helps Fix Club Ambulance

The Oakleigh Go Kart Racing club would like to thank Mr Naismith from Dandenong Tyre and Auto Repairs for his time and generosity in repairing the club’s “Ambulance”. Mr Naismith gave up his time by taking our “Ambulance” back to his workshop for repairs. This repair has once again saved our “Ambulance” from the scrap yard. The Committee and members of the Oakleigh Go Kart Racing Club wish to thank Mr Naismith for his generous donation of his time and labour.

In recognition, the Committee would like to encourage Club members to consider Dandenong Tyre & Auto Repairs at 6-8 Brants Road, Dandenong, Vic, 3175 (Tel. 03 9794 6444) for their next vehicle service and maintenance.