Niki and Tara Sims helped out at the recent Melbourne Grand Prix karting display.
Prepare for an influx of new members! Niki and I “worked” at the AKA stand / display on both Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning – handing out AKA pamphlets and t-shirts.
Lee Hanatschek (AKA Marketing) arranged the displays and advertised on the AKA website for volunteers who were all rewarded with day passes. There was one kart on display at the CAMS / AMSF stand in the main arena as well as four karts (cadet, junior, Sportsman 125 and a KZ2) at the main AKA display just inside Gate 4.
It was lovely to see how excited the children were to have their photographs taken sitting in the cadet kart as well as how much interest there was in the sport (especially the new KIDS program) and the clubs. A lot of people mentioned knowing about OGKRC and expressed an interest in visiting on a club day to see the action and learn more.