2024/2025 Committee

Hello Members,

The AGM for the OGKRC was held on Tuesday the 24th of September 2024 and the new committee was announced for 2024/2025.
We wish to thank the previous committee for all their work and effort, especially the fantastic job they did in getting a round of the Australian Kart Championship and making the club and track look so spectacular.

When you see the new committee members please thank them for volunteering their time to help run your club for the next 12 months.
The track and grounds are looking fantastic lets keep it that way. If you see a bit of rubbish around pick it up, if a bin is full take it up to the skip area and change it for an empty one.


I would like welcome the new committee and it is great to see some new faces have put their hand up to help.
The committee for this year is:
President: Adam Bourke
Vice President: Stuart Hall
Secretary: Alicia Nisi
Treasurer: David Bell
Membership Secretary: Emma Cutting
Race Secretary: Sharron Cutting
General Committee: Thomas French, Mark Cutting, Andrew Lowe, Stephen Gough, Anthony Leily & Paul French

On another note:
Over the last few years we have been calling for people to volunteer as officials at race meetings, we are now in a position where we may not have the required number of officials to run a race meeting.

This is not a problem unique to Oakleigh, both Karting Victoria and many other clubs are struggling with the same issue.

We are calling for members, especially those who no longer regularly race club days to think about helping out as an official. Signing up does not mean we will expect you to be available for every meeting, for the most part we still have our core group of officials that are available most of the time. We need people that can fill in when our main officials are unavailable as well as people that can do a few meetings a year to slowly build their skills and possibly look to step up to a more permanent role in the future.

If you are interested please contact Adam or Thomas.